About DaKeMaNi Publishing:

Writing a book to disseminate information is a job in itself.  Getting the information into the hands of the public is another enterprise altogether.  This is why DaKeMaNi Publishing came into existence—to assemble, publish, and sell books after the writing is complete.

Writers have several options.  They can hire an agent, sell out to a large publishing house, utilize the services of a vanity press, or they can keep control of their book by publishing it themselves.  This is called self-publishing.  While many believe that those who self-publish have been turned down by a large publisher, this is seldom the case.  Self-publishing has been around for centuries.  Lord Byron, E.E. Cummings, T.S. Eliot, Benjamin Franklin, Ernest Hemingway, Stephen King, Rudyard Kipling, Louis L’Amour, Edgar Allen Poe, Alexander Pope, Beatrix Potter, Carl Sandburg, George Bernard Shaw, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, and Walt Whitman are just some of the many famous self-publishers on record.  More and more authors are turning back the hands of time and returning to “indie-publishing.”

Self-publishing allows the writer to maintain jurisdiction over their book and to get it printed in a more timely fashion.  However, some writers are intimidated by the process because there are multiple facets involved.  The more informed the book publisher, the more successful the writer.


About the Author:

WARNINGS of Disease: Your Body Uses Symptoms to Communicate

Written by Dawn RobertsBook Cover

In 1996, Dawn was faced with a devastating illness.  Doctors suggested multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) might be the cause.  In all, she suffered over 100 symptoms.  As each day passed, she didn’t know how she could make it to the next.  Dawn wanted answers, but doctors were unable to provide any.  Armed with a deep desire to find healing, she began searching for the truth.

By changing what she ate and the products that she used, Dawn was completely cured of life-threatening disease, and she lost weight in the process without even trying.  Through fifteen years of scientific research, what Dawn learned is presented in her book—Positive lifestyle changes produce positive results!

In 2009, Dawn took a hiatus from her work as a Forensic Document Examiner and Handwriting Expert to complete the manuscript.  Her personal story of miraculous healing is included to help illustrate how individual choices have an individual effect.

Through reading this book, Dawn hopes that you will come to realize how toxic food additives and poisonous chemicals (including drugs) are causing you to get sick and diseased, are responsible for causing pain, and how toxins are a contributing factor to obesity.

For information about the cover designer:  www.Nikoby.com

For information about the layout designer:  www.JillianBacoDesigns.com