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Living in pain and on total exhaustion, Dawn decided that there must be a better way.  So she set out to find the true cause of disease.  The details are presented in her book.

What she found was that disease is man-made.  Synthetic chemicals are not inherent to the human body and are therefore considered a toxin.  Junk food, processed foods, cleaning products, personal hygiene products, and drugs are filled with manufactured, compounded chemicals.  When artificial substances are consumed, they wreak havoc inside the body.  Eating junk food is not a good thing!

Most of us have heard the saying “You are what you eat.”  Well guess what?  It’s true!  After Dawn changed her diet and lifestyle habits, all of her symptoms went away.  Her body healed itself of over 100 disorders.  She has been disease-free for the past fifteen years merely by changing her habits.

It’s really quite simple—if you eat good food, then you’ll feel good.  Your body will have no reason to get mad, or to become inflamed.  But if you eat unhealthy foods (AKA junk food), take disorder-causing drugs (AKA poison), and fill your body with toxic matter, the only possible outcome can be ill health, obesity, and a state of dis-ease.  WARNINGS of Disease details the author’s pilgrimage to remove the dis- from her life.  Removing the dis- from disease creates ease!  (Read more…)

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