Currently viewing the tag: "obesity"

Inflammation is the key to understanding disease.  Inflammation is an attention-getter!  Inflammation is the body’s defense mechanism to ward off poison.  Your body communicates that there is a problem with inflammation.

The human body responds to any toxic substance by producing inflammation.  Many toxins are found in the processed foods that you eat and the every-day products that you use.  After ingesting poison, the body uses five fundamental methods called the Five Cardinal Signs of Inflammation to get your attention—redness, heat, swelling, pain, and loss of function.  These can be loosely defined as:

  • REDNESS = STOP what you’re doing!
  • HEAT = If you don’t STOP, you will get burned!
  • SWELLING = Look, I’m fattening up to get your attention!
  • PAIN = Maybe a little pain will get you to notice!
  • LOSS OF FUNCTION = OK, if you can’t use it, maybe this will work…

The problem is—most people ignore the signs.  Why?  Man has created a crafty way to cover up the truth.  Man’s answer to pain comes in the form of a tiny pill.  Man’s antidote to disease is to drug himself to no avail.  Keep in mind that an antidote is a medicine given to counteract a toxin, a poison.  This means that some toxin is responsible for the symptom that caused the disease.

When pills don’t work, doctors get busy performing surgery to either take out what is bad or to replace what is faulty with a new body part.  That is what doctors are trained to do, isn’t it?  To make matters worse, doctors often label your dysfunction as a psychological problem when conventional treatments don’t work.  This opens up the floodgates to all sorts of psychotherapeutic medications and behavioral therapies.  But do drugs and surgery really circumvent the problem?  Rampant ill health and obesity epidemics say otherwise.  America’s health crisis proves that Man’s ways are not working.

You’ve tried to lose weight…

It’s hard, right?  And even if you do, you end up gaining back every single pound that you lost—PLUS!  Why is this?

You’re sick, tired and depressed…  You’re filled with disease…  Your child has been labeled with a learning disability or some other serious psychological condition…

You’ve been to the doctor—over and over again.  You’re taking all the latest designer drugs.  Medical tests often return “inconclusive” or “within normal limits.”  Or maybe you’ve been diagnosed.  BUT, you’re still taking drugs and you’re still sick, tired and depressed.  Your body is in pain.  You’re still overweight.  Dysfunction has overtaken your life.  Your child is suffering.  All of those drugs and surgeries have not abated the problem one little bit.

Or worse, perhaps your body has succumbed and is now filled with disease.  Asthma, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, obesity, learning disabilities, and untold others—they’re all out of control.  Perhaps you’ve been diagnosed with a few diseases, but has the diagnosis done anything to heal your body of the disorder?

  • 65% of all Americans are overweight—Why?
  • 24 million people in the U.S. have diabetes—Why?
  • 38.4 million people have asthma—Why?
  • Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America—Why?
  • One out of every 3 persons develops at least one type of cancer—Why?

The fact is—the answer is being overlooked.  For decades, science has been side-stepping pathogenesis—the true starting point of disease.  During my search for good health and healing, I discovered that if you remove the source of a disorder, the body has the remarkable ability to heal.  If you would like to experience good health and healing in your own life, buy a copy of my new book WARNINGS of Disease now.

With the Supreme Court’s recent 5-4 approval of Obamacare as being a legal and just tax on the American people, the long-term ramifications of this policy are only beginning to surface.  While it may seem nice and deserving for those citizens who cannot afford health insurance, the new law “imposes” the burden of the new tax on the middle-class.  But didn’t Obama himself claim that Obamacare was not a tax?

I don’t know about you, but I’m a middle-classer.  And those in the middle-class that I know are already suffering tremendous financial burdens after the depression of 2008.  I know many without jobs.  I know many whose homes are in foreclosure.  I know many recent college grads who are unable to find descent work.  I know many adult children who are living at home.

IF the middle-class is called upon to give to the poor when the middle-class is already in a state of dire hardship, THEN the middle-class becomes poor as a result of it.  This new call for taxation imposes a new tax on a class already in distress, which can only result in the creation of not one lower-class sector of society, but two.  It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to readily see what will happen next.

With the Supreme Court ruling regarding Obamacare, the American people need to realize how important it is, now more than ever, to become a healthy nation!  The American people should focus on self-healing and preventative treatment, instead of drugging themselves to no avail.  To do this, Americans must understand the cause and effect of disease and obesity.

Our present-day healthcare system is in shambles.  Disease is out of control.  Obesity is quickly hedging toward the 70% level.  Drug use is at an all-time high.  It should be obvious to all concerned that our current way of doing things is not working.

In my new book WARNINGS of DiseaseI focus on the cause and effect of disease to reveal how obesity is the end result of improper consumption.  I was diagnosed with over 35 diseases and was overweight, yet doctors were unable to provide a direct cause.  Doctors prescribed dozens of drugs and advocated multiple surgeries, but I kept getting sicker.  So I decided to take matters into my own hands and to step away from the unknown.  I was tired of not knowing why I was sick.  I soon realized that since it was my body that was sick, there must be something that I was doing wrong that was making me to get sick.  This is the basis of cause and effect.

I realized that most doctors don’t care about why or how I got sick and gained weight.  All they care about is getting rid of the symptoms.  When a patient goes to a doctor with a complaint, the doctor gets out his prescription pad to authorize a drug that will coverup the malady.  And when drugs don’t help, he advocates surgery.  There is no cure involved.  There is no talk of prevention.  There is no talk about diet or exercise.  Here – just take this drug and I’ll see you in a month – when your prescription runs out.  This creates a medical paradigm (standard), which perpetuates sickness and disease!

When a patient buys into the model of perpetual disease, when they accept a doctor’s judgement (the diagnosis), then the patient becomes stuck in a perpetual state of dis-ease.  Good health is never the outcome.

In order to gain good health, we must do things that are good for us.  We need to eat healthy foods, not processed junk food.  We need to exercise, which is proven to be beneficial, not sit on our hind ends being idle.  We need to use non-toxic products, not ones full of cancer-causing ingredients.  We need to avoid toxic chemicals, altogether.

Once I came to understand the importance of taking care of my own body and then taking action to do so, I was CURED of my diseases, and I lost weight without even trying.  I no longer take any drugs.  I lost over 60 pounds.  And I have been healthy for the past 15 years.  As a result, I really resent our government dictating what kind and how much health insurance I must buy.

The newly legislated Obamacare is a travesty for an already sick and financially-burdened nation.  The demand that all citizens buy health insurance is touted as a new tax, but it opens the floodgates to our government being able to demand every citizen to buy homeowners’ insurance (to lighten the government burden of federally-backed loans), to buy flood insurance (a government program), to buy pet insurance (to lighten each municipality’s burden of animal control), etc.   At what point will our government’s demands stop?  We need to remember the definition of communism – A political theory advocating class war, which leads to a society in which all property is publicly owned and every person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.  Is this what the American people want?


New Year’s resolutions have come and gone. The time to get ripped and look good in that new swimsuit for summer has faded away. Now, people are just hoping to lose some weight before the holidays rapidly approach and they pack on the pounds all over again. Holiday eating is the standard excuse for weight gain. Obesity rates have now surpassed the 65% mark. It’s being reported that obesity may rise to a staggering 85% in less than ten years time.

Churches are filled with prayer requests for the sick and dying. Heart disease is the Number One Killer in America. One in every three families is touched by the ravages of cancer. Some studies report that the average patient now takes eleven medications. Drug use is out of control, so is disease and obesity.

But does anyone ever stop to ask – WHY?

After suffering with over 100 symptoms and 35 diagnosed diseases, and a proffered diagnosis of either multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, that’s exactly what I did. I asked – WHY? Why was I sick and dying? Why was I overweight? However, doctors were unable to answer my questions. This got me to thinking – did anyone really know the answers?

So I set out to find the answers for myself. And did I ever find them! By changing my diet and lifestyle habits, I was cured of all disease and lost over sixty pounds without even trying. I have been perfectly healthy for the past fifteen years and take no drugs.

In 2009, I took a hiatus from my work as a Forensic Document Examiner and Handwriting Expert to complete the manuscript and bring this book to print. The book includes my personal story of healing along with fifteen years of scientific research. What I found was that you don’t have to be filled with disease and you definitely don’t have to be fat. Each person can choose to be healthy or not.

My personal mission for writing WARNINGS of Disease is to help people realize that artificial food additives and toxic chemicals, including those found in drugs and everyday products, are responsible for causing sickness and disease, with obesity being the end-product of consumption.

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